The mission team at Fairfield Grace United Methodist Church has been supporting orphanages in different countries. With our congregation´s help, we built a playground at an orphanage in Quito, Ecuador a few years ago. We also supported an orphanage in Uruguay. Now, we are requesting your generous donation of any amount to help children in an orphanage in India. This orphanage always is in need of money for food, toothbrushes, toothpaste, clothes, etc. Thank you for your generous consideration!
Here is how you can help:
1. Please consider making a donation via the fundraiser at GoFundMe. Please click on the link below.
2. You could also donate toothbrushes for kids and adults, clothes for children ages 5-15. Leave your donations in the back of the Sanctuary.
3. You can write a check to FGUMC church. Please write Mission Team, orphanage campaign on the memo. Cash donations are also accepted. Donation envelopes are available in the Sanctuary.
Let us serve our GOD by helping those in need!
If you have any questions, please contact Nubia Jaramillo-Pennell at or 860-422-0924 (text messages are better as I teach and do not check my phone during my working hours).