Home > Church Committees

The following committees and/or positions are available for to support the church and its members manage the overall United Methodist mission at Fairfield Grace UMC.


  • Annual Conference Delegate – The Annual Conference Delegate consists of two persons who represent the church, for four days, at the Conference in June, are members of the Church Council, and may attend every board & committee.
  • Board of Trustees – The Board of Trustees consists of 9 members, each elected to serve a 3-year term, divided into 3 groups of 3 persons. The Board attends to the facilities and equipment of the Church, and provides general oversight for the investments. The President of the Board is a member of the Church Council. The Board meets on the 2nd Wednesday in the evening.
  • Church Council, At-Large member – The Church Council, At-Large is a group of up to 8 persons, elected annually, as general members of the Council, which meets on the 3rd Monday of each month, in the evening.
  • Education Committee – The Education Committee provides general oversight of the education and spiritual growth opportunities, for children, youth, and adults offered by the church. The chairperson is a member of the Church Council. The Director of Christian Education & Youth Ministries and the Sunday School Superintendent support, and are supported by the Education Committee. Sunday School curriculum, educaitonal resources, special Sundays – including Rally Day in September and Children’s Sunday in June – and Vacation Bible School are coordinated by this group. In addition, the Committee supports the Confirmation Group, led by the Pastor. The Committee meets periodically, as called.
  • Finance Committee – The Finance Committee consists of a chairperson, who attends meetings of the Church Council, an Annual Conference Delegate, representative of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, member of the Board of Trustees, Lay Leader, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and at-large members. It provides general financial review, proposes a budget, and supervises the annual audit. The committee meets on the 1st Tuesday, as called.
  • Membership Committee – The Membership Committee currently has the dual responsibility of focusing on the evangelism-including inviting “new friends” to worship, Christian Education, small groups, and fellowship events. First-time guests are contacted and welcomed. Additional responsibilities include: advertising special programs and on-going activities; tracking attendance, including contacting missing members; and preparing an action report for the annual. The chairperson is a member of the Church Council. The committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday in the evening.
  • Music Committee – The Music Committee supports the Director of Music Ministries, in leading and coordinating the choirs. The committee attends to instruments and robes. Assistance is provided with seasonal and special programs. The chairperson is a member of the Church Council. The Committee meets occasionally, as called.
  • Nominating Committee – The Nominating Committee (Committee on Lay Ministries) consists of nine persons, each elected to serve a 3-year term, in 3 groups of 3 persons. The Pastor is the Chairperson of the Committee. The Committee prepares a list of nominations to be voted on at the annual meeting in the Fall. The committee meets as many as 6 times in the months prior to the annual meeting.

    The Committee on Lay Ministries (Nominating Committee) invites members and friends of the Church to let the Committee know your personal service interests, as well as to suggest names of friends to serve as well. (If you’re proposing a friend, please make sure to contact him/her before making a nomination.) Most positions are for a one-year term. Brief descriptions of the boards and committees are listed on each committee’s site (click on commitee link below). More detailed information is available from the Committee and/or in the Church Office.

    There are a limited number of openings of each board and committee each year. The Committee on Lay Ministries will do its best to match member’s interests with the board/committee of choice. (Note that since there are limited openings, it may be necessary to invite interested members to serve in the future.) The Committee on Lay Ministries will nominate people to serve Fairfield Grace United Methodist Church in ways that most appropriately match a person’s talents and abilities. If you have any questions, please contact the Pastor.

  • Outreach Committee – The Outreach Committee is the missions coordinating team. Local, regional and internationl missions are supported, including Operation Hope, the Bridgeport Council of Churches, Covenant-to-Care, Habitat for Humanity, and the annual mission summer work week. The chairperson is a member of the Church Council. The Committee meets on the 3rd Sunday following worship.
  • Parish Court Board, Parish Court Program Committee – The Parish Court Board and Parish Court Program Committee provide advisory and program oversight for Church Housing for the Elderly, on Warde Terrace. Parish Court is a cooperative ministry of 4 Fairfield congregations, including Fairfield Grace. The Board meets on the 4th Wednesday, in the afternoon, at Parish Court.
  • Parsonage Committee – The Parsonage Committee attends to the maintenance and upkeep of the Parsonage. Representatives of the Board of Trustees and Staff-Parish Relations Committee, at-large members, and the Pastor serve on the Committee, which meets occasionally, as called, in advance of the annual meeting.
  • Staff-Parish Relations Committee – The Staff-Parish Relations Committee consists of 9 members, each elected to serve a 3-year term, divided into 3 groups of 3 persons. It oversees staff needs, job priorities, descriptions, and evaluations, and proposes compensation, which, in the case of the Pastor, is directly to the Church Council. The Chairperson(s) are (a) member(s) of the Church Council. The Committee meets on the 1st Monday, in the evening.
  • Stewardship Committee – The Stewardship Committee directs the annual financial campaign, encouraging members to celebrate and commit their time, talents, and treasures in the ministry of the Church. The chairperson is a member of the Church Council. The Committee will meet occasionally, as called.
  • Wills & Legacies Committee – The Wills & Legacies Committee invites persons to remember the church in their wills and through gifts to funds and the endowment. The Committee meets occasionally, as called.
  • Worship Committee – The Worship Committee is an advisory group to the Pastor and the Director of Music Ministries and participates in worship planning and direction, including: Communion stewards, ushers, acolyte coordination, worship leaders, lay speaker coordination, and sanctuary decoration. The chairperson is a member of the Church Council. The Committee will meet occasionally, as called.
  • Youth Council – Committee that attends to the needs of our youth from Sunday School organization to youth group event planning.