All are invited to participate in a joint discussion and panel, sponsored by Jesse Lee United Methodist Church and The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, Thursday, April 22, 2021, from 7:30 to 8:45 PM.
Preparation: All those who participate are encouraged to do some homework beforehand:
Read this brief article: America’s Long Overdue Awakening
Read this article, a primer on racism – White Privilege
Watch this 4 ½ minute video: Systemic Racism Explained
Then, on Thursday, April 22,
join the zoom meeting by clicking on this link below
or call in: 929-205-6099 – The meeting ID is 886 6954 1187
The Agenda
7:30 pm Introduction & Overview
7:35 pm Heather McGee 14.12 minute TED Talk: Racism Has A Cost for Everyone
7:50 pm Break Out Rooms – in groups of 5-6 people, discuss these questions:
1. Tell us briefly about your racial or ethnic background.
2. Tell a story or give an example to show how your background and experiences have affected your ideas about racism and other ethnic groups. When did you first realize that people come from different racial or ethnic backgrounds? What is your first memory of that?
3. Have you experienced racism or discrimination? Have you seen it? How has it affected you or people you know?
8:15 pm Panel Discussion
Rev. Cleaven Johnson
Rev. Herron Gaston
Rev. Rhonda Taylor
Rev. Cass Shaw, facilitator
Cass will ask the panel these questions:
How have you experienced racism as a black man/woman in America?
How has the Church been complicit in creating the racism embedded in our society?
What is your perspective on how white people can become anti-racist?
8:40 pm Invitation to Next Steps & Adjournment