It is time to convene the 2021 District Conference for the Connecticut District of the New York Annual Conference (NYAC).
This crucial meeting will take place on Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 1:00pm.
This year—due to Covid-19 and our desire to move forward in the safest manner possible—we will once again be meeting virtually.
The work of the District Conference is to report on the past year’s ministry, elect district officers and affirm new Lay Servants, candidates for ministry, ordinands and retirees. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester, will preside and the following are expected to attend:
- All appointed clergy of the Connecticut District;
- Lay members to the Annual Conference;
- Committee Chairpersons; and
- One or more delegates from each pastoral charge.
District Conference will take place via Zoom and simultaneously be streamed to the NYAC Facebook and YouTube platforms. All are welcome to attend.
All voting members must have been be registered by Wednesday, April 28, 2021 in order to receive the information needed to fully participate. In addition, copies of the Connecticut District Journal and Directory will be provided to registered attendees only.
There will be a District Virtual Concert featuring Rev. Jeremia Paul.
Additional information needed to fully understand what to expect and fully engage will be added to the District Conference section of our nyac.com website.
Please check back often for details and direct any questions to your District Administrative Assistant, Mariyam Muhammad by calling 914-615-2227 or emailing ctdistrict@nyac-umc.com
In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First!