FGUMC family and friends,
Grace and peace of the Lord be with you and your family.
I have exciting news to share with you. In celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the founding of Fairfield Grace UMC, we are going to publish a commemorative magazine to be distributed in June 2021.
I have asked Anne Ewing to lead this project, given her computer graphics background. Hallelujah! She has accepted the invitation and we are ready to move forward.
The magazine will feature an in-depth interview of all of our church family members and friends. We would prefer to have couples do their interview responses separately unless they wish to present their story as a family.
Please answer any of the following questions: Limit to a 300 word count please.
1. Your personal background; for example, give some details about where you were born, went to school, where you have lived, what you did or still do for a living, basically anything you wish to share to help others know more about you.
2. When and how did you find Fairfield Grace as your spiritual home?
3. Do you have any special memory or event that has impacted you and your spiritual journey at FGUMC?
4. In what areas at Fairfield Grace have you been participating?
5. Your favorite Bible passages and hymns?
We will also request a good quality RECENT photo of each member to be published with their response. We will schedule a time to take photos at the sanctuary or fellowship hall for those that want to have a new photo taken.
By January 2, 2021, please submit your response and photos to FGC65@optonline.net or mail to the Church office at fairfieldgrace@sbcglobal.net.
A special thanks goes to Kristina Joukhadar, Maria Restrepo, Sue K. Suh and Anne Regan, Parish Office Manager who will serve along with Anne for this special project. We all look forward to working on this project together and producing a unique keepsake documenting the fellowship that makes Fairfield Grace so special.
Rev. Kun Sam Cho
Anne Ewing