Fall Independent Study on “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson
Week 4 REFLECT: Jesus’ Mission & Ours
Temporal and Spiritual Needs
- How does the Spirit of the Lord empower you to minister to those in need physically or to those who are spiritually oppressed? What does this say about the importance of prayer?
- Is it easier for you to serve by addressing temporal or spiritual needs? How can you stretch yourself to serve in your area of weakness.
- True faith takes action to relieve suffering. How can you serve an earthly need for any of the following: the poor, prisoners, disabled, oppressed?
- Through our reading of Just Mercy we’ve learned about individuals in hopeless situations facing lifetime prison sentences. How could sharing Jesus with these people bring hope in the midst of their earthly suffering?
- Do you feel confident sharing the gospel with someone who doesn’t claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus (the spiritually poor/captive/blind/oppressed)?
Additional Resource:
Tim Keller on The Bible and Race – Life in the Gospel
Here are the direct links to Tim Keller’s articles in his 4-part series on race and justice. We encourage you to read them all in the order that they were published.
- The Bible and Race (March 2020)
- The Sin of Racism (June 2020)
- A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory (August 2020)
- Justice in the Bible (September 2020)
Grace, Justice & Mercy: An evening with Bryan Stevenson and Rev. Tim Keller
Week 3 REFLECT – Justice Part 2
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment
- Who covered the cost of the debt in this parable (Matt 18:21-35)? Are you willing to incur cost (of various forms) in order to show mercy to others?
- Like the servant in the parable, we all want to be treated with mercy but sometimes don’t want it for others. Are there people you have a hard time showing mercy to?
- Mercy doesn’t always means no consequences. As Christ-followers we are fully forgiven but still may suffer earthly consequences to our actions. What does it look like to show mercy to someone who has wronged you?
- Is there a time when you showed someone mercy when they deserved judgment? What was that like for ou and for them?
- James 2:13 says, “For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. “What does it mean that mercy triumphs over judgment? How can we display mercy to others?
Additional Resource:
Tim Keller on The Bible and Race – Life in the Gospel
Grace, Justice & Mercy: An evening with Bryan Stevenson and Rev. Tim Keller
Fall Independent Study on “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson
Week 2 REFLECT – Justice Part 1
What does the Bible say about justice?
- Righteousness and justice are often linked in Scripture. Why do you think that’s the case? Can true justice be accomplished without righteousness (standards of right living according to God’s design?
- We see from Scripture there is no partiality in God’s justice based on socio/economic status, ethnicity or bribery. Are there any factors that tempt you to show partiality?
- Scripture tell su that evildoers do not understand righteous justice. With this in mind, how should the pursuit of justice for Christ-followers look different from the culture’s? Are there ways we can partner with secular justice efforts while still being faithful to Biblical justice?
- How do Scriptures about justice motivate you to act? Bryan Stevenson uses his legal career but God gives us each abilities and ways we can serve (e.g. volunteering with Urban Impact, helping a widow, fostering a child, visiting prisoners, serving at a rescue mission, supporting a om through a crisis pregnancy, volunteering professional services.)
Additional Resource:
Tim Keller on The Bible and Race – Life in the Gospel
Grace, Justice & Mercy: An evening with Bryan Stevenson and Rev. Tim Keller
Fall Independent Study on “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson
Week 1 REFLECT – Imago Dei
Why can’t we address injustice without talking about the image of God?
Does understanding the reality that humans are made in the image of God impact how you think about yourself or others?
Are there any factors (e.g. age, intelligence, ethnicity, sex, physical ability, profession, et.) that tempt you to be suspicious of others or see them as less valuable or less deserving of mercy?
– We live in a culture that tends to promote an “us vs. them” mentality which says, “if you don’t think, look, or ack like me, I am against you.” Ironically, that mentality can even enter conversations about injustice when we have ideological differences over solutions. How does remembering everyone is an image bearer of God help you overcome and “us vs. them” mentality?
– Think of someone you’ve found yourself having an “us vs. them” mindset toward. Confess those thoughts to God and ask God to help you love that person and see them as an image bearer instead of an enemy.
Additional Resources:
Tim Keller on The Bible and Race – Life in the Gospel
Grace, Justice & Mercy: An evening with Bryan Stevenson and Rev. Tim Keller