We will be holding in-person Worship Service at Fairfield Grace simultaneously, with our online Zoom Service THIS Sunday – Sept 13, 10:00 am in English and
1:00 pm in Korean.
10:00 am in English (log-in as early as 9:30)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/9100975556
Meeting ID: 910 097 5556
Password: 649259
Dial in: 1 929 436 2866
1:00 pm in Korean (You may join from 12:30 pm)
Topic: 믿음속 주일 예배 Faith Circle Worship
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 319 4241
Password: 090258
Dial in: +1 929 205 6099
Reminders of protocols to ensure a safe gathering…
- Please bring a face covering.
- Please read signs and follow instructions.
- Keep your face covering or mask on at all times.
- Observe social distancing.
- Give your name for attendance.
- If you are ill, please stay home and rest.