Every Sunday
You are invited to a Live Video of Sunday Service. You can log in at 9:30 am for 10:00 am service in English and at 11:00 am for 11:30 am for service in Korean.
Every Weekday
Start your weekday routine with a brief prayer time with Pastor Cho and the Fairfield Grace community. Monday – Friday from 8:00-8:30 am, please join us to listen and to pray, silently or with voice. Come when you can. Come when the spirit moves you.
Tuesday Connection
NEW LOCATION FOR VISITING PASTOR CHO AT “PANERA” (Thomas Ministry). Every Tuesday at 9:45am – 12:00 noon, you can virtually visit Pastor Cho for a discussion and dialogue.
During the gathering prior to the start of the worship service, please be invited to greet each other freely, UNMUTED. Once the service starts and the prelude begins, we ask everyone to please kindly MUTE yourself, as we are not able to do this remotely. During the service itself, if you are a Worship Leader, or if you speak during Children’s Time or Joys and Concerns, please UNMUTE to speak and MUTE afterwards. We ask that everyone help in this way so that all may enjoy an undisrupted service. After the Postlude, all are welcome to UNMUTE and speak with each other again. Thank you!
SPECIAL NOTE FROM PASTOR CHO: Please send us any words of encouragement, inspirational messages or personal reflection. We would love to share them with the congregation on Tuesdays.