A statement on re-opening Fairfield houses of worship has been written and signed by the members of the Fairfield Clergy Association, of which our Pastor Cho is a member. It has been shared with the press.
As members of the Fairfield Clergy Association, we represent a variety of faith traditions. We are unified, however, by the beliefs that we share: that each person is a child of God, that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that God commands us to care for the most vulnerable among us.
It is these shared beliefs that will guide us as we each make plans for the re-opening of our individual houses of worship. As faith leaders, we are committed to ensuring that our sanctuaries be places of healing, hope, and safety. We will be guided by wisdom, and by love. Together as colleagues and friends, we have been in conversation regularly since the beginning of this crisis.
Our wait for that day of re-opening is not a passive waiting. From the beginning of this crisis, our congregations have been alive in service: worshiping online, providing meals for the hungering, delivering to food pantries, and caring for one another in myriad creative ways. We have seen God at work in so many ways in these past months, and for that we rejoice!
As we look forward, eagerly, to the time when we can be together in worship, we encourage all in our community to follow those safety measures that protect the vulnerable among us and those on the front lines of healing and supply chains. Let us, in love, stay true to our core values, as we honor and care for one another.
We are grateful for the privilege of being faith leaders in this community. May God bless you richly until we are gathered together again – safely.
Rev. Alida Ward, Greenfield Hill Congregational Church, FCA Convener Rev. Kun Sam Cho, Fairfield Grace United Methodist Church
Rev. Mark Christoffersen, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Rev. Curtis Farr, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Josh Feay, Black Rock Church
Rev. Peggy Hodgkins, Trinity Episcopal Church Rabbi Marcelo Kormis, Congregation Beth El Rabbi Sarah Marion, Congregation B’nai Israel
Rev. Susan Owen, Dir. of Spiritual Care and Chaplain, Carolton Rev. Vanessa Rose, First Church Congregational
Rev. David Rowe, Greenfield Hill Congregational Church Rabbi Evan Schultz, Congregation B’nai Israel
Rabbi Stephen Shulman, Jewish Senior Services Rev. David Spollett, First Church Congregational Rev. Dan Van Horne, Trinity Baptist Church
Rev. Paul Whitmore, Southport Congregational Church Rev. Laura Whitmore, Southport Congregational Church