Summerfest is coming on Saturday June 3 from 10:00 to 4:00. There will be vendors – women’s accessories, candlemaking, jewelry, home improvement, authors and more…
There will be fabulous Fairfield Grace Strawberry Shortcake, hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks. Come to shop and stay for lunch!
Look for details to follow on how you can support this event. Please call the church office with any questions at 203-374-6528.
Robert H Tonne
says on:Hi,
I sell Local Hydrponically grown produce. Can I apply for a vendor permit? Thank you.
Kristina Joukhadar
says on:Dear Mr. Tonne,
We have not yet made plans for Summerfest this year. When we do, we will publish an announcement on the website. I will keep your email address so I can get in touch with you at that time.
Thank you,
kristina Joukhadar
Webmaster, Fairfield Grace UMC