Week Twenty-Five (Sermon on Chapter 25 will be on 4/24):
Chapter 25: Jesus, the Son of God
Focus: Jesus
Related Bible Text: Matthew 17; 21; Mark 8-12; 14; Luke 9; 22; John 7-8; 11-12
Discussion Sessions:
Wednesday: 10:10 AM
Thursday: 6:45 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM
Questions to think about as you read (page 484 at back of book)
- How would you respond to someone who asked, “Who is Jesus”?
- What was Jesus’ primary mission during his life?
- What character qualities do you see in Jesus?
- What changes do you need to make to bring your life into conformity with Jesus’ values and priorities?
- In what ways did Jesus’ words and actions reveal the fact that he is equal with God?
- How would you respond to the question, “How can you be sure that Jesus is God?”
- What can you do to gain a deeper love for Jesus? Why is this important?
Fun games to play (courtesy of D. Pleacher, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins CO)