Week Five (Sermon on Chapter 5 will be on 11/01):
Chapter 5: New Commands and a New Covenant
Focus: Moses
Related Bible Text: Exodus 19-20; 24-25; 32-34; 40
Discussion Sessions:
Wednesday, Oct 21: 10:10 AM
Thursday, Oct 22: 6:45 PM
Saturday, Oct 24: 10:00 AM
Sunday, Oct 25: 9:00 AM
Questions to think about as you read (page 475 at back of book)
- How were the people to prepare themselves to meet with God?
- What does this story of the giving of these new commands tell you about the character of God?
- What was the purpose of the Ten Commandments?
- How can God be both the merciful forgiver of sin and the punisher of the guilty?
- The Israelites became impatient and finally made a golden idol in the shape of a calf for themselves. What are some false gods/idols worshiped in our society today?
- The Lord spoke to Moses “as one speaks to a friend.” What steps can you take to gain a deeper understanding of who God is?
Fun games to play (courtesy of D. Pleacher, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins CO)