- Pastor
- Pastor
- 203-374-6528
- shine153@gmail.com
Reverend Young Choi is grateful to God for using him as God’s instrument and calling him to serve in partnership with other disciples of Christ Jesus for the transformation of the world.
A native of South Korea, Rev. Choi grew up in the Korean Methodist tradition. His father is a retired Methodist pastor. He received God’s call as a pastor in his first year of high school. He came to the United States in 2002 and studied Master of Divinity at Yale Divinity School where he was trained to see and think theologically.
Within the New York Annual Conference, Rev. Choi has served as Lead Pastor at United Church of Westville (UMC) in New Haven for 9 years; and Associate Pastor at First Flushing UMC in Flushing for 7 years. He is currently serving as the chair of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry in the Connecticut District.
Rev. Choi is fluent in both English and Korean. In his “spare” time he enjoys walking, cycling, skating, listening to classical music and astrophotography! His daily spiritual discipline is prayer and Bible reading.
Rev. Choi and his wife, Kyunghee Bae live with their two children in college: Urim and Joseph.