Home > The Story > Chapter 14: A Kingdom Torn in Two

Week Fourteen (Sermon on Chapter 14 will be on 1/24):
Chapter 14: A Kingdom Torn in Two
Focus: Various Kings
Related Bible Text: 1 Kings 12-16

Discussion Sessions:
Wednesday: 10:10 AM
Thursday: 6:45 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM

Questions to think about as you read (page 479 at back of book)

  1. What caused the kingdom of Israel to be divided?
  2. How did Rehoboam and Jeroboam both make mistakes?
  3. What observations do you make about God’s character and what is important to God, based on this chapter?
  4. Why is it important to always remain loyal to God?
  5. When have you strayed from God?  What caused the straying?
  6. In what ways has God been kind to you even when you didn’t deserve it?

Fun games to play (courtesy of D. Pleacher, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins CO)