Your gifts to Fairfield Grace ensure the means to continue the mission and ministry of the church into the future. Members and friends are encouraged to make a bequest in a Will to benefit the church or specific ministries of the church.
Ways to designate the amount of your bequest:
Specific Dollar Amount
I give, devise and bequest to Fairfield Grace United Methodist Church located at 1089 Fairfield Woods Road Fairfield, CT the sum of ________ dollars ($ _______) {or specifically described personal or real property} for its general uses and purposes. [The bequest can also designate specific ministries or purposes for its use.]
Specific Percentage
I give; devise and bequest to Fairfield Grace United Methodist Church located at 1089 Fairfield Woods Road Fairfield, CT an amount equal to ___ percent (__ %) of the value of my gross or net estate, both real and personal for its general uses and purposes. [The bequest can also designate specific ministries or purposes for its use.]
Residual Bequest
I give; devise and bequest to Fairfield Grace United Methodist Church located at 1089 Fairfield Woods Road Fairfield, CT the entire residue of my estate, both real and personal for its general uses and purposes. [The bequest can also designate specific ministries or purposes for its use.]
The bequest can be added as a codicil/attachment to your current Will. If you don’t have a Will the State of Connecticut will determine who receives your estate after your death. Anyone that owns a house should have a Will if they know who they want to receive their remaining estate. It will also keep the cost of settling the estate down.
(These are suggestions and should be approved by your attorney.)