Dear friends,
If you are a singer in our English or Korean congregations and would like to take part in the singing of the Good Friday Cantata but are unable to attend our Thursday at 7:30 pm rehearsals; or if you are already practicing the Cantata with the choir and simply would like to be able to practice at home, we are making the audio file of the music available here for you to download.
Copy of sheet music on Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dUhOFQIXRfE5bNd1qkYr6qNl-EKnU_sv/view?usp=sharing
Please note let us know if you plan to join us at the Good Friday service, and, if so, when you will be able to join us for a final rehearsal. Many thanks,
kristina Joukhadar, Music Committee, kjoukhad@optonline.net, 203-414-7366