It is time to convene our 2023 District Conference, which will be held on Saturday April 29 at the West Hartford United Methodist Church! The work of our District Conference is to report on the past year’s ministry, elect district officers and affirm new Lay Servants, candidates for ministry, ordinands, and retirees. This year we will once again meet in person for the first time in three years!
We’re excited for this opportunity to see each of you for a time to fellowship, reconnection, and doing the necessary work of our NYAC district. It is expected that all appointed clergy; lay members to the Annual Conference; committee chairpersons; and one or more delegates from each pastoral charge attend District Conference.
Schedule for Saturday, April 29
12:00 (Lunch)
1:00pm (District Conference Business)
West Hartford UMC
1358 New Britain Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06110
Keynote Speaker: Priscilla Pope-Levinson, Author of Models of Evangelism
Hosted by: The Greater Cooperative Parish