What is FA?
FA is a program based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We offer help and spiritually based recovery to those whose connection with food can be understood as a form of addiction. We are not a medical group, nor are we connected with any particular form of religion. We charge no dues or fees and our meetings include no weigh-ins. Our membership is international and includes men and women, adolescents, and the elderly. All are welcome.
Who might benefit from FA?
People who find help in FA vary greatly. Some of us have been diagnosed as morbidly obese while others are undereaters. Among us are those who were severely bulimic, who have harmed themselves with compulsive exercise, or whose quality of life was impaired by constant obsession with food or weight. We tend to be people who, in the long-term, have failed at every solution we tried, including therapy, support groups, diets, fasting, exercise, and in-patient treatment programs.
Does FA work?
Some of our members have been in continuous recovery (maintaining a stable, healthy weight and enjoying freedom from obsession with food, weight, bingeing, or bulimia) for over twenty-five+ years. Members with five to ten years of recovery are increasingly common.
We would be happy to answer any of your questions, to speak with your colleagues, or to any groups within your worship community. Please contact us via [AIMEE 203 984-1970 OR HEDY 203 610-4541 Bill 203 455-7766 or me Ed 203 733-5863]. We have enclosed descriptive material. Please email this to youmembers who might be interested or post this flyer in a bulletin board. Additional information is available at the FA website: www.foodaddicts.org.
We are doing zoom meeting on line or on the phone Monday and Thursday, you can be as anonymous as you want. See attached page for available meeting dates and time. Thank you for your consideration.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 6105 0466
Password: 248939
One tap mobil +16468769923,,84061050466#
Or phone +1 646 876 9923