FGUMC Faith Growing Opportunities
September, 2020 – June, 2021
Monday Journey (Mondays 7pm)
Following the Messiah by Jeremy DeHut (RightNow media)
This is a travelogue that follows the footsteps of Jesus
12 Sessions, 15- 20 minute videos
September 28, October 26 & November 23, 2020
April 26, May 24 & June 28, 2021
Short discussion to follow video
Fall Topical Online Study (Book study)
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson (Amazon – $7.88, Thrift books – 6.88)
*Contact church office if you need assistance finding a book
Read at your own pace: recommend 3 chapters per week
Devotionals with questions and related bible passage for each 3-chapter segment along with links to Tim Keller articles and related talks posted on the FGUMC website
Advent Study (Thursdays 7pm)
God Came Near by Max Lucado (RightNow media)
6 Sessions, 28-minute videos
November 12, 19, 26 (Thanksgiving Break), Dec. 3, 10, 17
Short discussion to follow video
January Break
Lenten Study (Thursdays 7pm)
Basics of Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson (Ligonier Ministries)
6 Sessions, 25-minute videos (https://www.ligonier.org/learn/series/basics-of-the-christian-life/)
Feb 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
Recommended sessions: Becoming a Christian, Being a Christian, Belonging to a Church, Discovering God’s Will, Enduring Hardship, Persevering to the End
Includes downloadable study guide for the entire 12-part lecture series, will use for short discussion after video
Spring Topical Study (Thursdays 7pm)
The Road to Hope by Louis & Hettie Brittz (South African couple)
4 Sessions, 25-30 minute videos (RightNow Media)
May 6, 13, 20, 27
Short discussion to follow video