We are so fortunate at Fairfield Grace to be able to celebrate our worship via virtual church services on the Zoom platform. Doing so has been a labor of love for our team of people behind the scenes who have been working tirelessly to bring these services into being.
First and foremost is Pastor Kun Sam Cho, whose guiding spirit has pushed us all forward. Second is our Music Director, Jeanne Millett, who has recorded the music on the organ, and Bob Price, who has been there to record that music. Third is Angela Suh, who has given so much of her time to create multimedia PowerPoints for each service.
In case you missed our Easter service, here it is:
Thank you all, and thanks to all of our friends who have been attending these services every week. We miss you all, but will be together soon! See you next Sunday at 9:45 am on www.zoom.com; Meeting ID: 9100975556; Password: 649259.
Kristina Joukhadar