We enhance our Sunday worship experience through the beauty of God’s bounty by adorning the altar with fresh flowers. These flowers are a special offering to God and to the Fairfield Grace community.
The altar is the table at which God’s children gather to give thanks and receive the Eucharist. Sponsoring altar flowers is a beautiful way to honor loved ones marking special life events such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, baptism, confirmation, memory of a loved one, or a thanksgiving for life’s blessings.
After the Sunday services (10:00am and 1:00 pm), you may take these flowers home or request them to be donated to a homebound or sick member of the Fairfield Grace family.
Please see the sign-up sheet on the office door or contact the church office (203-374-6528 or fairfieldgrace@sbcglobal.net) to sponsor an arrangement. On the weeks that there is no one signed up to sponsor and arrangement, there will be no flowers on the altar.