If you have not yet registered your children to attend Vacation Bible School the week of June 26 – 30 from 9:00 am-12:00 noon, there is still time!
During the week we will take kids on awesome adventures alongside some of their favorite Bible heroes and discover the qualities that make us truly heroic in God. VBS Hero Central uses epic music, spectacular science, crafty crafts, heroic recreation, and fantastic Bible stories to help kids (and leaders) discover their strength in God!
To register please visit our online registration page at http://www.myvbs.org/fairfieldgraceumc. At the moment the website does not support online payment, so please send a check to the church or plan to bring it on the first day of VBS!
For more information, contact the church office at 203-374-6528 or email me at emcwood11@gmail.com.