Week Eight (Sermon on Chapter 8 will be on 11/22):
Chapter 8: A Few Good Men… and Women
Focus: Deborah, Gideon, Samson
Related Bible Text: Judges 2-4; 6-8; 13-16
Discussion Sessions:
Wednesday, Oct 21: 10:10 AM
Thursday, Oct 22: 6:45 PM
Saturday, Oct 24: 10:00 AM
Sunday, Oct 25: 9:00 AM
Questions to think about as you read (page 476-477 at back of book)
- What does God’s choice of Deborah as judge during this time reveal about God’s view of women?
- Why does God often use weak and uncertain people like Gideon to do his work?
- If you ever feel uncertain about your gifts and abilities, how could the story of Gideon encourage and strengthen you?
- What reasons can you give for why the Israelites kept repeating their downward cycle of sin?
- What was the root cause of Samson’s fall? What was the result?
- What are the strongest temptations that you face? How do you fight such temptations?
Fun games to play (courtesy of D. Pleacher, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins CO)