Week Three (Sermon on Chapter 3 will be on 10/18):
Chapter 3: Joseph from Slavery to Deputy Pharaoh
Focus: Joseph
Related Bible Text: Genesis 37, 39, 41-48, 50
Discussion Sessions:
Wednesday, Oct 14: 10:10 AM
Thursday, Oct 15: 6:30 PM
Saturday, Oct 17: 10:00 AM
Sunday, Oct 18: 9:00 AM
Questions to think about as you read (page 474 at back of book)
- Why did Joseph’s brothers want to get rid of him?
- Why does God allow hurtful things to happen to people?
- What were the positive effects of Joseph’s being sold into slavery?
- What does Joseph’s statement to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good,” tell you about God?
- In what ways have you seen God work through the most bleak and hopeless situations to cause a greater good?
- Why can God be trusted at all times?
Fun games to play (courtesy of D. Pleacher, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins CO)
- Interactive Mindreading Trick with numbers from Chapter 3
- Trick with numbers from Chapter 3
- Journey Through Genesis Adventure Game
- Humorous Anecdote for Chapter 3