Week Seventeen (Sermon on Chapter 17 will be on 2/14):
Chapter 17: The Kingdom’s Fall
Focus: Jeremiah, Ezekiel
Related Bible Text: 2 Kings 21; 23-25; 2 Chronicles 33; 36; Jeremiah 1-2; 4-5; 13; 21; Lamentations 1-3; 5; Ezekiel 1-2; 6-7; 36-37
Discussion Sessions:
Wednesday: 10:10 AM
Thursday: 6:45 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM
Questions to think about as you read (page 480-481 at back of book)
- Why did disaster come upon God’s people?
- What negative effects of sin have you seen in your life?
- What were some of the main themes of the prophets’ messages during this time?
- Can you relate to Jeremiah as the “weeping prophet” who felt deeply the burden of God’s people’s sin?
- How does God’s promise of restoration for his people still give you hope today?
Fun games to play (courtesy of D. Pleacher, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins CO)